LEAD2 Conference on University Governance and Research Innovations Opening ceremony and workshops 24 June 2019, Beijing
Date: 24/06/2019
Day 1- Monday 24 June 2019
National Academy of Education Administration
Qingyuan N Rd, Daxing Qu, Beijing, China
9.30- 12.00
地点 ( Venue): 校长大厦, 一层, 敬业厅
9.30- 10.00
- 开班式 Opening
1.侯慧君 国家教育行政学院党委书记、常务副院长 HOU Huijun, Executive Vice President, NAEA
2. 阎·科诺斯VUB前副校长Prof. Jan Cornelis, VUB
3.播放LEAD 2项目短片Video intro
主持人:于京天 国家教育行政学院副院长
Chair: YU Jingtian, Vice president, NAEA
10.00- 10.30
合影Group photo
10.30- 12.00
- 主题演讲 Keynote Speeches
1.钟秉林,北京师范大学前校长 Prof. ZHONG Binlin, former President, Beijing Normal University
2.菇萨·考索尔(Gulser KOKSAL),中东科技大学 副校长
Prof. Gulser KOKSAL, Vice-rector, METU
3. Prof. Shen Wei, Associate Pro Vice-Chancellor (International Relations), Deakin University
主持人:储祖旺 中国地质大学(武汉)组织部部长
Chair: Prof. CHU Zuwang, CUG
12.00- 13.00
午餐 Lunch
13.00 - 14.00
地点 ( Venue): 专家公寓, 楼二 层, 会议室
- 项目工作会议 Project partner meeting (LEAD2 research work plan, topics, and teams)
14.00 - 17.00
地点 ( Venue):
组1 (Group 1): 专家公寓, 二层, 相伯厅
组2 (Group 2): 专家公寓, 二层, 贻芳厅
平行研讨:Workshops (LEAD2 blended training with MOOCs and workshops)
A: University governance: senior leaders and administrators perspectives
组1 (Group 1): 院校治理:管理人员视角
引导发言:1. 阎·科诺斯, VUB前校长Prof. Jan Cornelis, VUB
2. 叶蓓蓓,广西师范大学 prof. YE Beibei, Vice Dean, Faculty of Education, Guangxi Normal University
主持人Chair:安托尼(Anthony Antoine)VUB欧洲研究中心主任
B: Workshop Middle-level academic leaders
组2 (Group 2) 研讨:中层学术人员视角
引导发言:1. 亚萨尔·康达奇,中东科技大学教授prof. Yasar Kondakci, METU
2. 王雁,同济大学副教授WANG Yan, Tongji University
主持人:屈潇潇 国家教育行政学院副教授
Chair: QU Xiaoxiao, NAEA
( 茶歇 Tea break at 15.30)
17.00- 17.30
地点 ( Venue): 校长大厦, 一层, 敬业厅
- 大会交流 Plenary reports
主持人:刘亚荣 国家教育行政学院 教授
Plenary chair: LIU Yarong, NAEA
- 当天活动小测(QUIZ)及总结
Quiz and summary
Quiz facilitator: Anthony Antoine, VUB
End of meetings
Promotion for the event can be found here
The LEAD2 draft program can be found here
Speakers and workshops facilitators can be found here
Keynote speech: Management of Rankings: Systems, Policies and Strategies ( Gulser Koksal)
Keynote speech: 高校宏观管理制度 与创新体系建设 (YE Beibei)
Keynote speech: Institutional Governance: A perspective of Academics (Wang Yan)
Keynote speech: Middle-level academic leaders (Yasar KONDAKCI)