LEAD2 keynote speeches and workshops 25 June 2019, Tianjin



Date: 25/6/2019 


Day 2- Tuesday 25 June 2019

中德应用技术大学现场教学   Tianjin Sino-German Vocational Technical College, Tianjin 


地点 ( Venue): A 楼一层, 报告厅

      9.00- 9.40

  • 主旨演讲 keynote speeches

演讲人:张兴会  天津中德应用技术大学党委书记 Zhang Xinghui, Chairman of Council, Tianjin Sino-German Vocational Technical College


互动答疑 Q&A

10.00- 11.00

地点 ( Venue):   1 (Group 1): A 106;   组2 (Group 2): A 107

分组研讨 parallel workshops

11.00- 12.00 

教学设施参观 On-site Learning and faculties exchanges

12.00- 14.30

午餐 lunch


欢迎及主旨演讲 Keynote speeches

15.30- 17.00

校园设施参观  On-site Learning and faculties exchanges

17.00- 19.00

End of meetings

Promotion for the workshops on 25 June can be found here 

Keynote speech: Constantly improve the university governance system and strive to become a first-class university of applied sciences (ZHANG Xinghui) 

Keynote speech: 开拓创新: 建设世界一流化工学科 (MA Xinbin)