LEAD2 Workshops and Certificates awarding 28 June 2019, Beijing


Date: 28/6/2019


Day 5- Friday 28 June 2019

National Academy of Education Administration

Qingyuan N Rd, Daxing Qu, Beijing, China

9.00- 12.00

地点 ( Venue): 

1组 (Group 1): 专家公寓, 二层, 相伯厅

2组 (Group 2):  专家公寓, 二 层, 贻芳厅


    结构化研讨I  (分组 两组)Workshops

  • 地质大学(武汉)蒋洪池教授 Prof. Jiang Hongchi, CUG
  • 高洁 博士奥胡斯Dr. Gao Jie, Aarhus University


茶歇Coffee & tea


结构化研讨II (分组 两组)Workshops

  • 广西师范大学 马焕灵教授 Prof. MA Huanlin, GXNU
  • 北京师范大学 张梦琦博士 Dr. Zhang Mengqi, BNU


午餐 Lunch

14.00- 17.00

地点 ( Venue): 校长大厦, 一层, 敬业厅

14.00- 15.30

  • 总结发言及闭幕 Plenary session, summaries

1. 大会交流  Plenary exchanges & reports

主持人: 刘亚荣 国家教育行政学院教授

Chair, LIU Yarong, NAEA


茶歇 coffee & tea


2. Lead 2 第二次研讨会情况介绍:Introduction of next workshops in Vienna

维也纳大学 Dr. Angela Meyer, University of Vienna

3. 闭幕致词 Closing session

  • 国家教育行政学院副院长于京天YU Jingtian, Vice President, NAEA
  • VUB原副校长阎·科诺斯 Prof. Jan Cornelis, VUB

4. NAEA/VUB颁发证书Certificates awarding

主持人(host): 朱畅VUB中欧领导力中心主任LEAD2项目负责人 Prof. Chang Zhu, VUB

17.00    End of meetings

Promotion for the workshops on 28 June can be found here

Structured Discussion of University Governance and Academic Leadership (2) ( LIU Yarong & QU Xiaoxiao)